

The trumpet started as a simple metal tube with a widened end. Over the years, clever people made improvements like adding valves, allowing players to reach more notes. Trumpet players blow into the mouthpiece while buzzing their lips. It’s now one of the most well-known instruments in the brass family.


A while back, people wanted a big, deep sound in their music, so they made the tuba. It's a huge, curvy metal instrument with a wide opening at the end. The tuba also has buttons that change the notes. When you blow into it, the vibrations travel through the wide tubes, making low and awesome sounds. It's great for adding powerful and low tones to the music!


This instrument is like a trumpet that has a sliding pipe that moves back-and-forth. Instead of using buttons, this sliding tube changes the pitch by making the tube longer or shorter. Trombones can sound majestic in orchestras, funky in jazz bands, or even silly in cartoons!

French Horn

The French horn is a musical instrument that looks like a long, curly tube with a big opening at the end. The French horn also has three buttons, which you press to change the notes. It's often used in orchestras to add a magical touch to the music, and you can hear it in classical music, movie soundtracks, and more.
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